Wednesday 17 February 2016

Beer review No.6 - Berentsen's Vamp Premium Lager

I started writing this post a while ago, so this little introductory paragraph is a bit out of date now, but I liked it so I'm using it anyway.

Hello again and a very happy new year. If you don't use the Gregorian calendar, then please continue to enjoy your current year until such times as "happy new year" becomes appropriate. I just had a very pleasant visit to England for Christmas and brought back eight different whiskys and seven beers. Plenty of content on the way. I've also got a fridge full from before Christmas and several whiskys in the cupboard. Also got a cheese to taste. I had an awesome brie with truffles in the UK, but didn't take notes. It was very ripe and very delicious and was my first ever experience of truffles. Very pleasant, but pretty much tasted of mushroom. Anyway, I had a bottle of Berentsen's Vamp so here's the details: