Tuesday 20 December 2016

Whisky review No. 13 - GlenDronach 15 Year Revival Scotch

Greeting, especially to the Americans who have been reading in record numbers recently. Makes me wish they'd let me advertise on here so I could get a couple of quid in ad revenue, but apparently it's adult content. Once again I find myself apologizing for infrequent blog posts. I always build up your expectations so much and then leave you hanging for months. I've got a couple of decent beers around so I'll get a few of those done. They're quicker to write, since it's just one drink. The whisky ones take longer because whisky changes in interesting ways after you open it and by the time you're halfway down the bottle it's not quite the same. It takes me a bit of time to drink half a bottle of whisky so I can't bash out a review every night. I don't think my liver would take it. Anyway, I've wasted enough of your precious time so let's get to it.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Spirit review No.3 - Glenglassaugh New Make Spirit - The spirit that dare not speak its name

Crikey, I haven't written a review for ages! Sorry about that, I realize my regular readers must be weeping under tables in gloomy bars due to the long and hopeless wait. Or wandering from internet cafe to internet cafe stopping for an espresso and to check for new posts, only to suffer disapointment as bitter as the over extracted, tar like coffee. Do they still have internet cafes? I thought they were pretty much obsolete, but comment below if you've been in one recently. If we meet in person I'll try to reimburse you for the espresso too, but no promises. Anyway, it's been long enough, let's get into action.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Beer review No.6 - Berentsen's Vamp Premium Lager

I started writing this post a while ago, so this little introductory paragraph is a bit out of date now, but I liked it so I'm using it anyway.

Hello again and a very happy new year. If you don't use the Gregorian calendar, then please continue to enjoy your current year until such times as "happy new year" becomes appropriate. I just had a very pleasant visit to England for Christmas and brought back eight different whiskys and seven beers. Plenty of content on the way. I've also got a fridge full from before Christmas and several whiskys in the cupboard. Also got a cheese to taste. I had an awesome brie with truffles in the UK, but didn't take notes. It was very ripe and very delicious and was my first ever experience of truffles. Very pleasant, but pretty much tasted of mushroom. Anyway, I had a bottle of Berentsen's Vamp so here's the details: