Friday 18 December 2015

Beer review No.5 - Berentsen's Neptun Wheat Beer

Ahoy there! It's finally beer review time again. I've been having some issues with my laptop's power supply, which is apparently a bit of a misnomer in that it wasn't supplying power. I think I've sorted it now, and I also think I've found a way to write blog content without having to be online. Copy and paste is amazing when you get the right font and stuff. I've been tasting things as always and buying things ready to taste. We're still working through the Berentsen's beers and I've been buying some Nøgne Ø beers to have a go at. I've now got a fridge full of beer waiting for tasting and a cupboard full of whisky. I did have a nice cheese to taste as well, but couldn't hold back on that one and ate it without taking notes or pictures. A delicious smoked Cheddar from Yorkshire that I bought in Filey recently with my old friend Mr. Tiffen and my educational friend Mr Eaton. That was a very fun weekend. Anyway, enough of this drivel, let's get to the beer.